Saturday, April 17, 2010

Losing Access to Seeds

On the way to speaking to the Llano Master Gardeners, I found out that Parks Seed, a major retail consumer seed company, filed bankruptcy.  It's another example of the loss of access to many varieties of seeds we are encountering.

At the Master's Gardeners meeting, my talk was on heirloom tomatoes.  One of my main reasons for planting heirloom and open-pollinated varieties is that I can save my own seeds and not be held hostage of the seed companies.  One of the challenges we face is find open-pollinated varieties that do well in our hot summers.  This year, I am trying Rutgers, an old time favorite before the introduction of Celebrities.  I am also trying F2 varieties (saved seeds from hybrids) to see how they will do.

Heaven forbid, if there ever comes  a time when we have to grow at least some of our own food, we will need seeds that we can save and share without the need for mega-seed companies and genetically-modified foods.

Stay tuned this summer for a visual lesson on how to save tomato seeds.  It is easy and produces highly viable seeds.  In the meantime, happy gardening!

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